I was contacted a month ago by Ginger Morrison, mother of Hunter, who was in need of Graduation Portraits.  Hunter is dating Kenzi, whom I had recently taken her Graduation Portraits.  Aparently word travels fast and I had done a great job for Kenzi so Hunter's mom felt that I was a good choice.  We met at CU Boulder's Alumni Center because of it's centralized location on campus.  I took portraits of Hunter, Hunter and Kenzi as well as portraits of the parents.  Hunter was a little nervous at first but I tackled that with just being goofey and showing him some of the portraits that were lookin' good so he knew we were makin' magic.  Later we all piled in to a big truck and headed for Chautauqua Park.  There Hunter changed into his baseball outfit.  This is because he is celebrating getting a scholorship (1 of 8 handed out) for his future contribution to the CU baseball team- UNBELIEVABLE!!!  

I can't wait to post the entire album on Flickr.com but until then I have attached one that I enjoy.  Thanks for the read!